2007 :
NEW: ... a few words about directing : Everything about film art is about DIRECTING! Film = Director [ID principle] There is no film without director... as there is no poetry without poet. Analysis of a poem or a poet?
* THR332 Film Directing class (THR470)
Film Directing pages : direct (intro) page at film-north
Study directing = study masterpieces! youtube.com/group/directing in class: [ list ] scenes to storyboard (reconstruction of shots) simple storyboard format from directing.filmplus.org (film directing class) SummaryFilm, Stage and Television Director ( Radio or Television Director ) * [ Duties and Tasks Quick Facts Personal Requirements Related Industries Labour Market Related Jobs Earnings Related Courses Qualifications State Specific Information ]
theatre-in-film [ * ] "BEAUTY IS TRUTH, TRUTH BEAUTY." Keats
2007 -- web updates (summer) : film-north blog web-videos : pages and directories ... ... Last Tango in Paris youtube.com ... * NEW : FM [filmmaking] files -- MISE-EN-SCENE pages [ film-north + directing.filmplus.org ] ... 10 Things you need to become a Film Director [humor]
* wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_director ... "film acting"? Publications from/by Lul Film School [sellassie.info] 2010 (?)
Masters: Eisenstein * Kurosawa * Fellini * Bergman * Tarkovsky *... and movies (list)new "key" pages: auteur cinema [wiki] dictionary/glossary -- new [ I call them "films" -- list ]
cinema (Russian, Italian, and etc.)
THR331 Stage Directing pages
Storyboard Organizer (Directing 101)
1. Briefly describe the section of the story you are going to tell. If possible, write your description out in numbered steps.
2. Look at your numbered steps and take any out that don’t seem like they help you tell the story. Add any in that you feel are missing.
3. Fill in the chart below. For each numbered step of your story, fill in a new shot.
Shot # -- Description -- Shot type: Close-up or wide -- Visual clues to help communicate the idea
From THR470 Film Directing class (selected film-north pages):
director (concept)
production cycles (development, pre-production, production, post-production)
director and writer
director and actors
directing camera
from kurosawa Page : Rashamon
Formal Analysis ( ... + 3rd Man clip )